In fact, people do not celebrate their birthday in Vietnam, except young children. We just hold a small party and invite close friends and family members. One day before my birthday, my family-in-law had a small party for me and my sister-in-law gave me a small gift. I was going to invite my close colleagues out for lunch but they were busy. So next week when they are free we will have a late birthday party.
The picture of flowers above was given to me by a friend who lives in a foreign country. He knows I like this kind of flowers (one of my favorite kinds). That is why he sent me a garden of flowers.
I was so happy because I still received greetings from friends after my birthday. One friend said that I had a birthweek (not only birthday) to celebrate.
What do women feel when they are 34? I felt a bit older, a bit more experienced in life, a bit more grown up, but still romantic. On the Internet somebody said that women at the age of 34 are the sexiest. So funny. I would like sexy in the meaning of charming.